Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's Summer Somewhere

This is Riley during some downtime between holidays. We believe it was taken somewhere in the vicinity of Diamond Head, judging by the lack of size or shape of the "wave." Riley often volunteers his time to teach grommets how to surf, when he's not helping to build schools for underpriveliged kids in New Jersey. Right after this photo was taken, he pulled off a backside off the lip, got barreled and then rode the wave all the way to shore doing the coffin.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Truth to Power

Always at the forefront of important political issues of the day, Riley recently joined crowds in lower Manhattan to protest the corporate takeover of U.S. government. Here he is standing up for what's right with other civil disobedients, before taking a break to eat some Sabrett's hot dogs off the street vendor's cart.