Sunday, December 15, 2013

Maybe Some Sauerkraut?

Taylor flew home today from Europe, and Riley was there at LAX
to greet her, along with Coconut, who managed to read the memo this time. Riley immediately began his search of Taylor's pockets for treats from Italy (some leftover pizza would be splendid) or Prague (some kolena - a comically large piece of roast pork knee -- would certainly taste yummy on a Sunday). Here is Taylor, trying to examine Riley who claimed to have starved to death in her absence.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving Thanks

Look at this. You see this? This is what's about to happen again at Riley's house. As soon as the movie "Man of Steel" is over, the people will flip to football highlights, and all the desserts -- cheesecake and pumpkin pie and shortbread cookies and See's candy and a whole freaking chocolate cake -- will be wrapped up and put away so we can pretend dessert never happened. Then the Christmas decorations will come out. Riley loves Christmas almost as much as he loves Thanksgiving.

But Riley will be missing his big brother Rocky this year. His name is Rocky because he rocked. We all miss Rocky very much. He taught Riley everything he knows about stealing food, and he practically invented the technique of licking dirty plates in the dishwasher.

Rest in peace, dear Rocky. We are thankful to have had you as a member of our family for 14 years. We love you.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Isn't That Ironic?

Upon hearing that life is indeed a box of chocolates, Riley accidentally showed up on the set of "Forrest Gump" looking for them.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jailhouse Bark

Though, according to our demographic analogy, this classic image is way beyond our typical readers' pop cultural frame of reference, we couldn't resist posting it. The gentleman in the striped shirt went on to be quite influential in the roots of rock 'n roll, while Riley's influence continues to be behind the scenes, producing such classic bands as The Mama's and the Pappas, the Chipmunks and Ricky Martin. This number, from the Ed Sullivan Show, was risque for the times, as it was not common for two men to dance with each other.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's Summer Somewhere

This is Riley during some downtime between holidays. We believe it was taken somewhere in the vicinity of Diamond Head, judging by the lack of size or shape of the "wave." Riley often volunteers his time to teach grommets how to surf, when he's not helping to build schools for underpriveliged kids in New Jersey. Right after this photo was taken, he pulled off a backside off the lip, got barreled and then rode the wave all the way to shore doing the coffin.