Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's Summer Somewhere

This is Riley during some downtime between holidays. We believe it was taken somewhere in the vicinity of Diamond Head, judging by the lack of size or shape of the "wave." Riley often volunteers his time to teach grommets how to surf, when he's not helping to build schools for underpriveliged kids in New Jersey. Right after this photo was taken, he pulled off a backside off the lip, got barreled and then rode the wave all the way to shore doing the coffin.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Truth to Power

Always at the forefront of important political issues of the day, Riley recently joined crowds in lower Manhattan to protest the corporate takeover of U.S. government. Here he is standing up for what's right with other civil disobedients, before taking a break to eat some Sabrett's hot dogs off the street vendor's cart.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Fifth Beatle

This is a little-known historical factoid of the popular Beatles' run as the best musical group of all time. Riley actually cut one album with the band. Here he is pictured on an early album cover, of which Ringo is known to have stated "The chap's hair is just too long for our image." Riley played toys.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Our photographers caught this aerial view of Riley during a recent snow storm. That's him in the lower left of the frame (above), enjoying the whiteout by protruding his tongue to catch the flakes. Another of our photographers on the ground captured this message Riley left behind:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Snafu of Liberty

On a recent trip to New York City to attend the International Bowl Licking Championships, Riley took some time to go sightseeing. He enjoyed Central Park, egg creams and sniffing the homeless in Hell's Kitchen. Here he is (above) at the Statue of Liberty. Did you know that 41 persons can stand in her head? After he left, the statue was seen doing this (below):

Mission: Table Scraps

This is how Coconut came to the breakfast table this morning. She and Riley had stayed up late into the night making their costumes to amuse and distract their keepers while they execute their Table Scraps Incursion Project, but Riley decided to rely instead on his natural charm to obtain his forkfuls. Coconut did not get the memo.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

No Relief Here

You wouldn't believe the fierce competition that ensued between Riley and this Egyptian camel when Riley last toured the Pyramids. Riley was just minding his own business, taking care of his business on one of the 1.3 million limestone blocks, when the camel, with small dark man astride, confronted him. Apparently there is no peeing on the Pyramids allowed. Riley, caught with his pants down, was slightly embarrassed by the incident, and frightened because the strange animal seemed to have an enormous, disfiguring and maybe cancerous lump on its back. Shame, sympathy and fear are complicated emotions for a dog to have simultaneously.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Soggy Dog

Not one to brag, Riley once rescued three of his family members from perishing in the canal near Aunt Liz' house. It had been cold and windy that day, and Julie, Taylor and Coconut were strolling along the water when a herd of cows suddenly appeared out of nowhere. When Taylor realized she had stepped in a pile of cow sh**, she freaked and fell in the canal, taking Coconut, who was in her arms, with her. Then Julie jumped in for no known reason. The first photo was taken right before the incident. The second photo was taken by sheriff's deputies when Riley was brought in soaking wet for questioning. The police still do not buy the cow poop story, and this remains an open case.