Sunday, December 27, 2009

Always a Tar Heel fan!

Riley is loafing again. Here he is in his new University of North Carolina football jersey, watching the Tar Heels, his favorite team. Not pictured: Riley's reaction to a last-second field goal by Pittsburgh (this site does not condone profanities). 

BTW: Happy Birthdays to Aunt Mary and Uncle Allen, and thanks for the awesome jersey!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Do these make me look fat?

Riley is hoping to find just the right color to augment his eyes. Oh it is so stressful trying to dress for the holidays!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Which Dinosaur was Riley?

Paleontologists have finally determined that in a past life, Riley was a Microraptor gui. This carnivore lived 125 million years ago and had two sets of feathered wings - neither of which were used for flight.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Riley Haiku, No. 1

Outside the wind blows
but here, I watch for cookie
crumbs to land on me

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hunting Season

Unfortunately, it is open season on toy poodles. These persons are known to be carrying a license, and will shoot first and not bother asking any questions. The one on the right is flaunting the surrender flag he tore from the cold paws of another dog last season.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Forget French . . . now THAT'S Italian.

Friends Forever

This dog is not Riley. He is one of his very close friends. But, as you can see, he is very shy.

Riley Goes Wild

Riley has never been the bravest or smartest, but still enjoys picking fights with the gang. Clearly, we can see who's winning.

Have you seen this poodle?

Unfortunately, a distant cousin of Riley's has been spotted in the area. This poodle exhibits very strange behavior, often remaining motionless for whole seconds until being told what to do, and is of normal weight for his size, probably due to eating only when fed and not seeking extra meals from the garbage pail. As you can see from this photo, he is probably into substance abuse. We think he might be trying to infiltrate Riley's posse with the hope of finding a spot on the couch. Do not be fooled!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Riley's Mom

Mom is Riley's favorite. You can see why. (There's double cheese on her.)

Family Time

Riley likes to watch TV on his favorite pillow with his family.

Shaggy Carpet

When Riley is tired, he lays down on the carpet and rests his head on his paws.

Riley enjoys a relaxing moment with a junior member of his staff:

(Taylor won't be a senior until next year.)

Other Examples of the "Toy" Breed:

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Riley with his peeps

From left: Rocky, Abigail, Rafiki, Coconut. Top right: RILEY and Hannah Banana.

Friday, November 27, 2009


An afro, sometimes shortened to "fro", is a hairstyle in which the hair extends out from the head like a halo, cloud or ball. This is Riley's natural look, before modification:

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Riley is diligent in clearing the table after a long and hearty meal with his family. Everyone is very grateful today.